Sunday, August 16, 2009

Working Areas of Students’ Quality Circle

Working Areas of Students’ Quality Circle:-

As Students’ Quality Circles (SQC) is oriented to create problem-free-student’s-society contributing towards promotion of Quality Education as well the personal life of students, SQC have its’ involvement in the following actions:-
· Solving student’s problems from their own level, if not possible by consulting intellectual, elders, etc.
· Promoting quality education enhancing to promote personal attitudes (positive attitudes).
· Creating positive feelings among the students.
· Motivating more numbers of students to get involved in SQC Activities, so that they can be self-oriented.
· Creating mutual co-operation and respect among the teachers and students.
· Implanting the mind of co-operation, co-ordination and respect among each other in establishing social, political and economic justice in society.
· Establishing Quality Thinking and Thinking Quality promoting Quality Concepts.
· Giving impacts on the future of students on the social, mental and intellectual as well as economical activities, so that they could take care responsibility for their contribution to make a better living environment for themselves and for others.
· Conducting different types of activities leading to better future and exploring the means which improve the quality of life in more prosperous and peaceful world.
· Organizing excellent events to develop future performers as TQP who are expected to be perfectionists in establishing a peaceful society.

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