Sunday, August 16, 2009

Student's Column.

My Opinions:- SQC and Me.
  • Mr.Madhav Poudyel.

Riverside High School,

North Carolina, USA.

SQC (Students' Quality Circle) is an organization of students that strives to solve the problems faced by students through co-operation, co-ordination and collaboration among the eachother. These three term has there own defination,where co-operation is an association made for a common benifit, co-ordination is to bring forward common action among partners and collaboration is to work jointly together in team and share the benifit among the team members . SQC is a way to teach students to make them able in three particular fields mentioned above. It is the way of quality management,which is an opportunity to discover their invisible potentialities and use them in some important fields. SQC is the process of solving students problems by making them able to identify their problems from their own level. It is also the effective way to become Total Quality People (TQP) via Total Quality Management (TQM). SQC helps the students to achive exellence in their study as well as in their life by transforming their ordinary level into Qualified Level. SQC is an important method to develop the tools among oneself to overcome shyness, to increase confidence and leadership power. SQC help student in different fields. I am very much gladful to be recalled as SQC practitioner in this modern equipped world .
(The writer is Ex-Treasurer of United SQC in BREP. Now, he is working as USQC Contact Person for USA).

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